Dish Works Services

Meal-Planning Content and Virtual Menus

This is a strange and difficult time for a lot of people. In the current circumstances, eating, drinking and connecting have all completely changed — shopping is a challenge; going to the grocery store is scary and stressful; getting food delivered is strange and unsettling; we can't meet and eat face-to-face with friends and family.

On the other hand, we're learning how to weave new technologies into our lives. We're online shopping (e.g. Whisk, Instacart, Amazon Prime) and video chatting (e.g. Zoom, Google Meet and Facetime). Being physically separated from each other is making us realize how much we care about, and rely on, each other for so much.

We're all figuring out how to do this “new normal”, and it's tough.

We share these feelings, and we want to help. So Dish Works is responding with creative new products that can help brands meet their customers’ new needs: to simplify cooking, streamline shopping, and bring people together.


Meal Planning Content

Help your customers simplify the process of planning meals for the week. We’ll create a shareable meal plan with recipes that are realistic for anyone to make, using ingredients that are easy to find anywhere. You'll receive ready-made menus, recipe cards and instructions so your customers can access the information from your website and social media channels and have everything they need to get started. Recipes and meal plans can also have quick-order links that allow people to shop for everything they need with a click!

How it Works

  1. Work with Dish Works to understand your audience and goals.
  2. The Dish Works team produces a full-week meal plan featuring your brand’s products.
  3. You share the branded meal plan kit with your audience however you like — website, social media, email, printed, etc.

What We Deliver

  • 5 or 7 days of recipes, coordinated around your theme
  • Using recipes from your library
  • Ready-made guide for the full week (PDF)
    • Recipes for each day
    • Shopping lists for all ingredients
    • Tips to help with shopping, substitutions and cooking
  • Add-on: custom recipes created by our team
  • Add-on: high-resolution photos for the meal plan

Meal Plan Ideas

  • Breakfasts
  • Lunches
  • Dinners
  • Desserts
  • Snacks
Meal Plan Example

A Week of Easy Meals


Virtual Holiday and Event Menus

Your customers are finding new ways to connect remotely online when they can't be together in person. Through video chat apps, like Zoom, Facetime and Google Meet, they can still talk, laugh and have fun together! Help them gather together around food and drink by providing a complete kit to host a virtual menu experience.

We customize the recipes to be easy enough for anyone to participate.  We pick ingredients — featuring your brand’s products — that are easy to find anywhere. You'll receive ready-made menus, recipe cards and instructions, so the host has everything they need to get started. Recipes and meal plans will also have quick-order links that allow people to shop for everything they need with a click!

How it Works

  1. Work with Dish Works to understand your audience and goals.
  2. The Dish Works team produces a virtual menu kit that your customers can use to easily organize their own virtual gathering.
  3. You share the branded virtual menu kit with your audience however you like — social media, email, printed, etc.

What We Deliver

  • 5 recipes, coordinated around your theme
  • Ready-made menu with recipe cards (PDF)
  • Host-tips to help make the gathering feel special
  • Add-on: high-resolution photos for the menu

Virtual Menu Ideas

  • Holiday meals
  • Birthday parties
  • Mother's Day / Father's Day
  • Graduation Party
  • Date night
  • Cooking together
  • Happy hours
  • Movie nights
  • Brunches
  • Baby showers
  • Virtual weddings
  • Virtual BBQs and “block parties”
  • Pizza night kit
  • Burger night
  • Fry board
Virtual Menu Example

Virtual Mother’s Day Brunch

Pairing Guides

Help your customers enjoy your products in fun ways while they are stuck at home!  Give them an easy guide to pairing your product with recipes, and encourage them to share the experience with friends online.

You'll receive a ready-made pairing guide with recipes and instructions, so your customers have everything they need to get started. Pairings and recipes will also have quick-order links that allow people to shop for everything they need with a click.

How it Works

  1. Work with Dish Works to understand your product, audience and goals.
  2. The Dish Works team produces a pairing guide featuring your brand’s products that your fans can use to easily organize their own virtual tasting.
  3. You share the branded pairing guide kit with your audience however you like — social media, email, printed, etc.

What We Deliver

  • Recipes for pairings with your products
  • Ready-made pairing guide with instructions for preparation (PDF)
  • Tips to help with pairings
  • Add-On: high-resolution photos for the pairing guide

Pairing Guide Ideas

  • Wine
  • Cheese
  • Beer
  • Cider
  • Cocktails
  • Snacks