Weekly Pick: A Coffee Company Breaking the Content Mold

To read or not to read, that is the question. It’s the question everyone subconsciously asks themselves when they come across a piece of new content. Whether it’s an article that scrolls past on your Facebook newsfeed or one that appears during a specific web search, you have the choice: click and read or keep moving along.

Brands have to decide: what turns visitors into readers? What draws their attention and engages them enough to click through? The simple answer: content. Brands need to first give their visitors something to bite off and chew, to savor. That’s why blogging, especially in the coffee or tea business, is so important.

Some businesses have taken the idea of blogging and have run with it, providing interesting and eye-catching content on a regular basis. If you’re looking for a solid example of what quality blogging looks like, look no further than the examples we highlight each week with our Weekly Pick. We’ve showcased brands’ blogs, ranging from food and wine companies to coffee roasters and tea sellers.

Today’s weekly pick is breaking the content mold by being not only informative but also engaging and—dare we say it?—funny.

Allow us to introduce Death Wish Coffee.

Death Wish screenshot

Half the battle of converting visitors into readers is getting them to commit to clicking through. You can set up a post on your blog, but if it doesn’t immediately generate interest, people will pass it by.

This is why we love the Death Wish Coffee blog. First, it uses strong feature photos to catch the eye of those who come to the site. Next, it has engaging blog titles, such as Why Making Coffee at Home Will Make You a Happier Person and What It Really Feels Like to Drink Death Wish Coffee. They are interesting and compelling enough to click through to find out more (especially if there’s the chance of adding a little humor to your day!).

DW coffeeThe element of humor is a great idea. Some brands are very buttoned-up and serious, which suits certain companies. But customers want to see the “real you,” and showing your brand’s personal side with a funny post could be a fun way to show another side to your company.

Death Wish Coffee isn’t just funny; it’s informative, too. The blog finds a nice balance between having fun and sharing tips, like what you need to know about the water you use to brew your coffee. (What do we need to know? Should we be concerned!?)

Last, the blog gives readers an incentive to keep visiting. Death Wish Coffee periodically offers freebies, like free Facebook and Twitter cover downloads. This is a fantastic idea and a unique way to engage with customers on a new level.

Your blog is a masterpiece, Death Wish Coffee. Don’t stop!

Dish Works’ team of professional food or drink brand bloggers is available to answer any content questions. Need help supplementing content? Just ask!

Photo credit: Kaboompics

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