Weekly Pick: A Farm Blog with Character

peppers Gone are the days of businesses being buttoned-up and gimmicky. No more jingles or one-liner catchphrases. No more overly staged stodgy photography. The consumers of today want real, want genuine, want raw. They want to see their businesses in the light of real life: their products, their employees, their process.

And while it’s easy to throw images through the Hefe filter on Instagram, it takes more creativity and personality to create content that boasts the life and character customers are seeking. When a brand captures the everyday in a way that is inviting and engaging, people notice.

And that’s a good thing.

Right on cue, we’ve got a great blog to share this week on Dish Works, adding to our list of past examples from foodteabrewery and farm blogs. As we’ve said several times this month, blogging is becoming so important for farms and farm markets, so we’ve found a few farms that are really hitting it out of the park.

This week we’re putting the spotlight on a farm that has found a way to incorporate the softer, more personal, side of farm life to really deepen its content character.

Meet Red Earth Farm.

red earth screenshot

If we could create an Instagram-esque app for content, we’d call the warmest, most amber filter “Red Earth Farm.” The farm’s blog reads like a personal journal, chronicled by Charis, the “farmer’s wife.” Through posts, Charis shares her thoughts and insights about her life on the farm (yes, including a little bit of romance!).

Red Earth Farm posts a few times a month, just enough to keep its audience engaged and coming back for more. Consistency, coupled with the personal memoir writing, truly gives the blog character. Coupled with Charis’ words, the blog also stands as a platform for farm news, including its CSAfun happenings and how the farm connects with the community. The content is so well-rounded and varied, it really feels like the everyday ins and outs of farm life.

pea shoot

Last, Red Earth Farm has embraced social media, a move we support. Content and social media have a symbiotic relationship: they need each other to thrive. The Red Earth Farm Facebook page is consistent and engaging, which makes it a primed place to share blog content!

All in all, we’re loving the content from Red Earth Farm. Keep it up!

Dish Works’ team of professional food or drink brand bloggers is available to answer any content questions. Need help supplementing content? Just ask!

Photo credits: Alexandra Whitney Photography